A new open season has been established for non-tribal members, it is April 1 - October 31

The water system at Indian Park has now been repaired.

Important updates for 2023 about Warm Springs Natural Resources Managed Area Permits.

Areas 1, 2 and 4 (high lakes, Deschutes River, and the Metolius Arm of Lake Billy Chinook) are CLOSED on November 1st.

Branch of Natural Resources
Fisheries Department

The Fisheries Department is dedicated to the research, management, and enhancement of fisheries and fishery resources on the reservation, ceded lands and usual and accustomed stations of the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs.

Through the Warm Springs, John Day, and Parkdale offices the Fisheries Department employed over 70 professional, technical, and temporary staff.

The CTWSRO Fisheries Department implemented over 200 projects for management and enhancement of spring and fall Chinook, summer and winter steelhead, sockeye/kokanee, bull trout, and Pacific lamprey populations and their habitat.